Monday, April 9, 2012

WEB - It truly is a web!

I am a consultant for ACS Compter Factory Outlet, and this is their blog. ACS is a great company owned locally in Akron, Ohio. I am proud to be associated with this company.

HOWEVER... I discovered last week why the web is truly called the "web." This is a giant mass of interlinked information that is probably impossible to follow. Somehow, my personal cell phone number got linked with ACS. (possibly by using my cell for receiving pass numbers for SOMETHING.) Now I am receiving calls for ACS on my personal cell phone. I do not know why, and I feel very stupid answering a call when they are looking for a computer part.

I have looked EVERYWHERE to try to figure out how my number is linked with ACS. That is how I know why the web is called such. Oh wow! Try to find out something like that sometime. It is unbelievable how twisted and entwined all the info is on the web. I was actually able to discover one site that showed my number as a contact for the company. I asked the site to remove my number, and they did, nearly immediately. However, the same site's Google return still shows my number. I am hoping that this info goes away quickly.

As I said, ACS is a super company.... I just cannot answer computer parts questions when vacationing at a waterpark. In fact, I cannot answer the questions at all, and I do not want to tarnish ACS's reputation by sounding like a clueless idiot (although I think I am when it comes to this sort of issue.) Right now, I am at a lost as to how I got tangled in this web, and I am trying to find a way to fix something that I do not have a clue how to fix. I think I know why I have always disliked spiders.

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