I came across a useful site.
Surprisingly, I was not aware of this site even though they have been in existence since 1998. After checking out the site, I think I may have been able to utilize much of the info many times over the years.
This is a place where you can go with computer questions or problems or even just to find information. There is a wealth of computer knowledge.... terminology, how-to's, technical support, computer product information, computer tips, computer history, computer company contact information, computer dictionary of over 10,000 definitions, drivers, computer related news, and has a one of the largest communities of experienced volunteers that help users in the forums and in chat.
There are forums for discussions, online help and so much more at ComputerHope.
So when you need initial guidance, go to ComputerHope.
Then when you discover you need a part, further technical help or repair, please be sure to come to us, ACS Outlet in Akron, Ohio.
Surprisingly, I was not aware of this site even though they have been in existence since 1998. After checking out the site, I think I may have been able to utilize much of the info many times over the years.
This is a place where you can go with computer questions or problems or even just to find information. There is a wealth of computer knowledge.... terminology, how-to's, technical support, computer product information, computer tips, computer history, computer company contact information, computer dictionary of over 10,000 definitions, drivers, computer related news, and has a one of the largest communities of experienced volunteers that help users in the forums and in chat.
There are forums for discussions, online help and so much more at ComputerHope.
So when you need initial guidance, go to ComputerHope.
Then when you discover you need a part, further technical help or repair, please be sure to come to us, ACS Outlet in Akron, Ohio.